The story gets picked up by the Metro: Chilean miner’s capsule on Display

Checking-out the Science Museum's latest exhibit

My 15 minutes of fame start now as I show off the Science Museum’s new installation of the Chilean miner’s capsule. Don’t get too excited though, while I may look to be enjoying myself, members of the public will not be allowed to step inside. It is a very small space to imagine yourself travelling in up a mine shaft! While you could have been a bit taller than myself and still fit, it was very narrow across. We had to be very careful opening and closing the door so as to not damage the hinges.

I have been told by curators and conservators that posing with objects is an integral and not often mentioned aspect of museum work. Although in our normal lives we may use objects in our personal pictures, in this scenario it is actually the person acting as a prop for the object! It just goes to show the utmost importance we place on material culture within the museum world. I think I may need a bit more practice to obtain a facial expression that gets across the right amount of interest and professionalism.